New Delhi: Wind power tariffs are expected to fall to a record of around Rs3.30 per unit in a 1 gigawatt (GW) tender by state-run Solar Energy Corp. of India (SECI). Wind power tariffs in India followed the solar route and hit a record low of Rs3.46 per kilowatt hour (kWh) in February during a 1GW tender by SECI. Solar power tariffs fell to Rs2.44 per unit at the auction of 500 megawatts (MW) of capacity at the Bhadla solar park in Rajasthan in May. Apart from on-shore wind, the government is also exploring the potential of off-shore wind power. In September 2015, the central government had come out with a National Offshore Wind Energy Policy, aiming to harness wind power along India’s 7,600km coastline.
Source: Mint July 14, 2017 18:00 UTC