The Karnataka High Court on Monday asked the State government whether it is willing to issue a public notice that “Cauvery Calling” is not its project. A Division Bench comprising Chief Justice Abhay Shreeniwas Oka and Justice S. Vishwajith Shetty asked government counsel to clarify this aspect during the hearing of a PIL petition, which has raised certain questions over the project. The government had said that “Cauvery Calling” was not the project of the State government but Isha Foundation, which is promoting the project, was allowed only to mobilise farmers and enrol them to the government’s Krishi Aranya Protsaha Yojane launched in 2011. On finding certain inconsistencies in government’s records with reference to “Cauvery Calling” project report and the statement submitted before the court on the project, the court asked the government to clarify whether it is willing to give a public notice stating that “Cauvery Calling” is not government’s project.
Source: The Hindu December 07, 2020 16:18 UTC