Why rejection is such a powerful motivator - News Summed Up

Why rejection is such a powerful motivator

McGee, one of the school’s college counselors, is the architect of the famous “rejection party.” To attend this party, you only need one thing — a printed letter of rejection from a college to which you applied. Bring the rejection letter, step right up to the shredder and push start. AdvertisementIn Braff’s story McGee says, “You have to print it out because there is no satisfaction in deleting an email.” After the shredder, the bonus round is an ice cream sundae, because after all, “ice cream heals all wounds.” It is a rejection party, not a wake. Harvard Business School rejected Warren Buffett, and Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Harold Varmus, was rejected by Harvard Medical School — twice. And hold on to the hurt— trust me, it will feel very good later.

Source: thestar May 15, 2023 13:28 UTC

