Why is it never the right time for my lover to finally leave his wife Eve Woman - News Summed Up

Why is it never the right time for my lover to finally leave his wife Eve Woman

Back then, I ­realised he wasn’t going to leave his wife, even though all he did was complain about her, so I decided to end it and move on. However, he continually comes up with reasons for why it’s not the right time to leave his wife – ­everything from finances to her wellbeing and now the pandemic. I know his wife a bit and know she can be difficult and cold, so all the things he says about her seems truthful. Coleen says:If you want my honest opinion, I don’t think he’ll leave his wife. I think if he were going to leave her, he would have done it by now.

Source: Standard Digital February 21, 2021 10:18 UTC

