MUMBAI: Fans have been impatiently anticipating the arrival of the Star Parivaar Awards after a five-year absence ever since Star Plus announced it. Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, Harshad Chopda, Pranali Rathod, Mohit Malik, Sayali Salunkhe, Vijayendra Kumeria, Avinash Mishra, Neha Solanki, and many other celebrities graced the spectacular and glittering event. The audience will witness a special moment between Harshad Chopda, aka Abhimanyu and his on-screen mother, Ami Trivedi Manjari, at the Star Parivaar Awards. The Star Parivaar Awards mark the celebration of happiness, love, and laughter with families and loved ones. Brace yourselves for the Star Parivaar Awards 2023 on October 1 at 7 p.m. on Star Plus!
Source: The Star September 29, 2023 17:35 UTC