Northeast Asia faced an extraordinarily dangerous period as the North Korean nuclear weapons crisis reached a crescendo. North Korea is expanding its nuclear arsenal and both the quantity and types of its systems for delivering nuclear bombs. Historically, nuclear blackmail, in the sense of threats to use nuclear weapons to force status quo- changing political concessions, does not work. com/international/archive/2018/01/kim-jong-uns-trap-for-south- korea/549470/; Michael Day, “Fears that North Korea could copy Putin’s nuclear blackmail unless Russia is seen to lose Ukraine war,”i News, Feb. 1, 2023, putin-nuclear-blackmail-russia-ukraine-war-2119765; Kevin Rudd, “The North Korean Nuclear Problem,” Asia Pacific Leadership Network, Brief No. 31-38; Toby Dalton and Van Jackson, “South Korean Nuclear Weapons Would Make Things Worse,” Global Asia, Vol.
Source: New York Times November 19, 2023 01:02 UTC