Hamish Harding, a British millionaire known for his exploratory escapades across the globe, is reportedly among five people who went missing aboard a tourist submersible visiting the Titanic shipwreck. Until then we have a lot of preparations and briefings to do," Harding wrote in an Instagram post before departure. SUBMARINE USED FOR TOURIST VISITS TO TITANIC WRECK GOES MISSING IN ATLANTICThe vessel lost contact with OceanGate shortly afterward. SEARCH LAUNCHED FOR MISSING TITANIC TOURIST SUBMERSIBLERescue efforts are being spearheaded by the U.S. Coast Guard in Boston, with the assistance of the Canadian Coast Guard and military aircraft. Harding acknowledged the expedition's treacherous nature, noting abysmal conditions in eastern Canada have significantly complicated exploration of the Titanic wreck.
Source: Fox News June 20, 2023 13:34 UTC