White flag in JxC: Larreta and Bullrich to wait for primary results together - News Summed Up

White flag in JxC: Larreta and Bullrich to wait for primary results together

Buenos Aires city mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and former security minister Patricia Bullrich will expect the primary election results that’ll determine who will be the presidential candidate for Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) in the same headquarters. The decision comes after months of escalating tensions between the two PRO members set to face off August 13. Although they share a common government program, during the campaign Bullrich has presented herself as a hardliner, while Larreta says he believes in dialogue. Two weeks ago, Larreta strongly criticized Bullrich after she proposed “shielding” the Central Bank with another loan from the International Monetary Fund. “Let’s take a look at the history of Argentina, how did that government end after the loan was signed?

Source: Bueno Aires Herald August 05, 2023 23:30 UTC

