Where were you on 9/11? 13 MetroWest and Milford area residents recall the ‘horrible day’ - News Summed Up

Where were you on 9/11? 13 MetroWest and Milford area residents recall the ‘horrible day’

We were all in the midst of expressing our concern, when seconds later, she reappeared, frantically yelling that a second plane had crashed into the twin towers. "By the time I reached campus, the second plane had hit. We turned on the TV, we had to see the second plane hit the 2nd tower. As I entered my next classroom, I looked up from my notes just as the second plane hit the second tower. But, remarkably, Stephanie’s brother-in-law in the second tower was able to run to safety.

Source: MetroXpress September 08, 2021 09:22 UTC

