What does Russia want in the Mediterranean? – GIS Reports - News Summed Up

What does Russia want in the Mediterranean? – GIS Reports

The Russian strategy in the MediterraneanRussia’s influence around the Mediterranean Sea has fluctuated over the years. September 2013: As Russia weighs intervening in the Syrian conflict, the Russian intelligence ship Priazove CCB-21, which belongs to the Black Sea Fleet, crosses the Bosporus Strait to get to the Mediterranean Sea. Control over the Mediterranean Sea has often appeared too far out of reach. But the arrangement did not last long and by 1961 the Soviet port was closed. Most likely: Russia moves forward in the Mediterranean In all likelihood, Russia will gain a greater foothold in the Mediterranean, as well as the Red Sea, thanks to Western unwillingness to stand in its way.

Source: The North Africa Journal June 25, 2024 12:03 UTC

