What are lonely layoffs? - News Summed Up
What are lonely layoffs?

What are lonely layoffs?

January 27, 2023 04:01 UTC

Trending Today

What are lonely layoffs?

(NewsNation) — Layoffs are sweeping across the tech industry and for some workers, the experience is lonelier than it might have been in years past. They’re being called lonely layoffs, and they’re the result of remote work and a changing employment landscape. So if someone remote gets laid off, their normal community isn’t there for them. Remote workers may not even have the courtesy of being laid off in person, instead receiving the news over Zoom or even email. “There’s this impersonal Zoom layoffs, which are the common standard right now, if you’re doing a mass layoff, and so they naturally feel more impersonal,” White said.

Source: The Nation January 27, 2023 04:01 UTC

