The inauguration of India's first all-girl Sainik School in Vrindavan by Defense Minister Rajnath Singh is a historic moment for women's empowerment. The Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School, with a student strength of nearly 870, is a classic example of the government's strong commitment to inclusivity and quality education. Affiliated with CBSE, the Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School aims to provide quality education and training under the tutelage of experienced ex-servicemen. Adityanath reminisced about his initiative to enrol girl students at Sainik School, Lucknow, in 2018 and commended the Defence Minister's approval for the admission of girl children to Sainik Schools. The establishment of the Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School marks a significant milestone in the journey of women's empowerment in India.
Source: Indian Express January 02, 2024 12:24 UTC