In the minutes, hours, days and weeks following the eruption of Whakaari/White Island, photos and videos of the conditions on the island and the impact of the disaster circulated. It wasn't clear what was happening in those moments - were they victims of the eruption or rescuers going to help? READ MORE:* Last cohort of Australian nurses head home after helping at Whakatāne Hospital following eruption* Whakaari/White Island: No approved emergency response plan at time of eruption* Jurisdictional haze clouds Whakaari/White Island probe as govt hands tied on island access* Whakaari/White Island: No council plans to evacuate in wake of eruption* After Whakaari/White Island, it's up to us to save ourselvesARFHT/Supplied This photo was taken aboard the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT) during its initial rescue efforts almost immediately after the eruption. Michael Schade/Supplied The image shows two White Island Tour guides, a male and female, disembarking the boat in the moments after the eruption. GUIDE'S 'SUPERHUMAN' EFFORTSThis photo was taken by American tourist Michael Schade who left the island just moments before it erupted.
Source: Stuff February 10, 2020 20:03 UTC