Jeremy Davis said that his group was made up of the “law-abiding silent majority”A wedding DJ from Wolverhampton is behind a vigilante group sending boats out into the Channel in an attempt to turn back migrant vessels trying to reach British shores. Jeremy Davis claims to have organised two “covert patrols” off Dover since setting up a website last month to recruit boat owners and former soldiers. He said that he and about 20 others, including former servicemen, used a speedboat and night vision equipment for the “missions”, with the aim of turning migrants back. The complex migrant crisis in the ChannelMr Davis, who DJs at weddings and discos in the West Midlands, according to his social media posts, claimed that the group was also intercepting police and coastguard radio communications to track down migrants. He says the ultimate aim was to get the
Source: The Times September 11, 2020 11:03 UTC