Webb Telescope Reveals a High-Speed Jet on Jupiter - News Summed Up

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Webb Telescope Reveals a High-Speed Jet on Jupiter

In July 2022, the Webb Space Telescope detected an intense jet shooting across the equator of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. Webb Telescope Images the Pillars of CreationAstronomers knew east-west jets existed in the gas giant’s atmosphere, but analysis of the newly spotted fast-moving jet suggested that Jupiter’s gassy insides may be more dynamic than previously thought. Webb Space Telescope launched from French Guiana in December 2021; it has been making scientific observations of the cosmos since July 2022, following a months-long commissioning process. The recent images of Jupiter that revealed the jet stream were taken with Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera, which revealed that parts of Jupiter’s atmosphere were disturbed by the jet’s motion. More: What to Know About the JUICE Mission to Jupiter and Its Frozen Moons

Source: The Nation October 21, 2023 05:35 UTC

