Weary unionists fear Johnson’s Brexit deal will strike at heart of their identity - News Summed Up

Weary unionists fear Johnson’s Brexit deal will strike at heart of their identity

I think we’re on the road to a united Ireland,” said James Maxwell, 39, a business owner. He’s duplicitous.”Kris Fenning, 45, a painter, feared MPs were taking a hammer to peace and stability in Northern Ireland. Having been duped and betrayed by Downing Street over the Brexit deal the DUP clawed back some authority, and revenge, by backing Oliver Letwin’s cross-party amendment. Some accused it of hubris and naivety, paving the way to a perilous Brexit deal. In an interview at Belfast city hall, John Kyle, a councillor with the UVF-aligned Progressive Unionist party, called for calm and reason.

Source: The Guardian October 20, 2019 06:45 UTC

