We all deserve better than comparing the riots at the US Capitol to events in the Middle East - News Summed Up

We all deserve better than comparing the riots at the US Capitol to events in the Middle East

"Where we're headed looks more like Syria than the United States of America,” said CNN host Van Jones, from the studio. It sparked a slew of tweets from people saying that the storming of the Capitol was worse than Libya. There is no doubt that Wednesday’s events – during which five people, including a police officer, were killed – were shocking and galling. Comparing this to the “Middle East” perpetuates the myth that the people who stormed the Capitol aren’t extreme representatives of angry segments of US society. Also present was a newly-elected West Virginia state Republican official who live-streamed himself entering the Capitol with the mob and has since resigned after being arrested.

Source: The North Africa Journal January 10, 2021 16:45 UTC

