In the Tasman district's Lower Moutere, apple orchardists are facing significant challenges due to stage 4 water rationing, particularly in the Moutere Eastern Groundwater zone. Stephan Clark, a third-generation grower, highlighted the dire situation, noting the rationing does not meet the water needs of his 85-hectare orchard. The discrepancy in water restrictions between neighboring zones has raised concerns among growers, with Clark pointing out that the Moutere western zone, around Motueka, is subject to less severe restrictions. However, growers like Clark question the council's assessment of water levels and allocation policies, suggesting that the restrictions are disproportionate. Ashton Wood, another affected grower, shared that the reduced water supply has led to a smaller apple crop, potentially impacting marketability and revenue.
Source: Stuff March 12, 2024 16:20 UTC