Wajir court directs detention of 68 Eritrean refugees at Dadaab - News Summed Up

Wajir court directs detention of 68 Eritrean refugees at Dadaab

A Wajir court on Friday issued an order for the detention of 68 refugees of Eritrean origin at the Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County. This group, consisting of 50 men and 16 women, was apprehended at Leheley in Wajir on December 1 while en route to Nairobi. Human Rights Defenders had moved to court to fight for the 68 Eritrean refugees who are asylum seekers. The aliens, who included six minors, said they were headed for South Africa for greener pastures when they were found stranded in Merian Kawalase village. The group said they were running from problems in their country and headed to South Africa, seeking greener pastures.

Source: The Star December 09, 2023 09:26 UTC

