Voucher Schools Championed By Betsy DeVos Can Teach Whatever They Want. Turns Out They Teach Lies. - News Summed Up

Voucher Schools Championed By Betsy DeVos Can Teach Whatever They Want. Turns Out They Teach Lies.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. Since a plurality of schools in these programs (42 percent) are non-Catholic Christian schools, we dove deeply into researching the curriculum of those schools. We could not definitively ascertain the curriculum used by about 2,000 Christian schools, because they did not respond to requests for information. (Rhode Island’s stipulations appear the most strict: Curricula in private schools must be submitted and largely equivalent to what is taught in public schools.) Indeed, not all schools who use these curricula are deeply religious, and they are used in a range of Christian schools.

Source: Huffington Post December 07, 2017 15:17 UTC

