Shah Rukh Khan is currently basking in the glory of the success of Pathaan and Jawan, Vishal Bhardwaj is gearing up for Netflix’s Khufiya. In an interview with Showsha, Bhardwaj spoke about SRK and said, “We’ve been trying to work with each other for a long time. In fact, Jawan ke baad — I loved Jawan — I called him and spoke to him at length. For now, Vishal Bhardwaj is gearing up for the release of his next Netflix film, Khufiya. But not this one (eye emoji).”With the suspense-thriller, Tabu, who worked with Vishal Bhardwaj on Maqbool and Haider, is back with another.
Source: The Star September 29, 2023 13:41 UTC