A film is as good as its cinematographer and Visaarani, India's official Oscars entry to the 2017 Academy Awards, has a perfect combination of a good director, an amazing caste and a brilliant cinematographer. ALSO READ: Vetri Maaran's Visaaranai, produced by Dhanush, is India's official Oscars entry for 2017ALSO READ: To know that Visaaranai is India's official Oscars entry is amazing, says Visaaranai's National Award-winning actor SamuthirakaniALSO READ: Entry to Oscars is a proud moment for us, says Vetri MaaranThough this is the first independent venture for S Ramalingam as a cinematographer, he has showcased exceptional work in the film. Here is a brief transcript of an exclusive interview with India TodayHow was the experience working for Visaaranai? But to have got the opportunity to work with Vetri Maaran sir was the most enjoyable part. How are you feeling after hearing that Visaaranai is the official Indian Oscars entry for the 2017 Academy Awards?
Source: India Today September 23, 2016 11:48 UTC