By Lin Liang-sheng and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday urged the government to draft a special law on disease prevention and set up a NT$50 billion (US$1.66 billion) fund dedicated to disease prevention efforts. While the KMT agrees the latest measure could prevent hoarding, a special fund would help diminish public losses due to class suspensions and parental leave, KMT caucus convener Lin Wei-chou (林為洲) said. KMT Legislator Wu Sz-huai (吳斯懷) questioned the decision to mobilize the military to boost mask production and called for a probe into potential ulterior motives to benefit manufacturers. The KMT caucus on Monday called on China to support Taiwan’s participation in the WHO and the World Health Assembly. DPP Legislator Lin Yi-chin (林宜瑾) agreed, saying that penalties should be increased.
Source: Taipei Times February 04, 2020 15:56 UTC