Vietnam News Headlines May 15/2024 - News Summed Up

Vietnam News Headlines May 15/2024

At the end of talks, Minister To Lam and Commander Ahmad Reza Radan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security and the Iranian Law Enforcement Command. Olivier Brochet, French Ambassador to Vietnam, shares his delight at the strong presence of professionals from Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, at the 2024 Film Market. Deputy Minister Phan Tam stressed the importance of perfecting the institution so that the society recognizes the true values of open education, open universities, and digital education. Performing arts facilities have not been systematically invested, including the Vietnam National Opera and Ballet (VNOB), Vietnam Cai Luong Theater, Vietnam National Drama Theater and Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra (VNSO). He went on to say that the Government should concretise the missions and progress on the completion of institutions and identify solutions to mobilising resources for cultural development.

Source: Viet Nam News May 15, 2024 08:58 UTC

