Veterans Affairs hopes to fill its US posts by year’s endStaff writer, with CNAThe government plans to station two retired senior military personnel at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington to enhance exchanges, Veterans Affairs Council Minister Feng Shih-kuan (馮世寬) said on Wednesday. However, the move is dependent upon lawmakers passing draft amendments to the Organization Act of Veterans Affairs Council (國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會組織法) that the Executive Yuan approved on April 30. Veterans Affairs Council Minister Feng Shih-kuan, center, attends a meeting of the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee in Taipei on Wednesday. Taiwan has 24 veterans’ affairs organizations in the US and Canada, where an estimated 4,966 Taiwanese live, council data showed. The pair would also participate in veterans’ affairs activities to improve Taiwan’s visibility on the world stage, especially in terms of the contributions the Republic of China made in World War II, the council said.
Source: Taipei Times May 14, 2020 15:56 UTC