Well known poet Varavara Rao, 81 years old, lodged at Taloja Jail for being accused in the Elghar Parishad case was admitted to J.J. Hospital yesterday. Hospital's Dean Dr. Ranjit Mankeshwar told The Hindu that Mr. Rao was admitted on May 28 as he was complaining of giddiness and had fainted once. Mr. Rao has been suffering from piles, cardiac issues and is on medication for ulcer and blood pressure. On Friday evening, his wife received a call from Chikkadpally Police Station, Hyderabad who said Visrambagh Police Station, Pune informed them that Mr. Rao was admitted to the hospital. In the hospital, we will have to see what can be done within the four corners of the law."
Source: The Hindu May 29, 2020 17:37 UTC