EntertainmentVanna White, the beloved co-host of the popular game show “Wheel of Fortune,” will be absent from several episodes as she reportedly recovers from COVID-19. Vanna White paid tribute to Pat Sajak hours after he announced his retirement, writing “Cheers to you” in an Instagram post. Bridgette Donald-Blue, “Teacher of the Year,” Fills InBridgette Donald-Blue, a fourth-grade teacher at Coliseum Street Elementary, has been selected to fill in for Vanna White. Key Takeaway:Vanna White will be absent from several episodes of “Wheel of Fortune” as she recovers from COVID-19. Facts about the keyword of the news article:Vanna White has been a co-host of “Wheel of Fortune” for over four decades.
Source: Los Angeles Times August 12, 2023 17:39 UTC