Vancouver restaurant staffing gets dire as patio season heats up - News Summed Up

Vancouver restaurant staffing gets dire as patio season heats up

Patio season is in full swing in Vancouver, but a staffing shortage is causing some restaurants to keep some tables empty — despite long lineups snaking down the block. Restaurant and Food Services Association says the staffing shortage in the industry is ongoing, but is exacerbated in the summer when patios double the capacity of some establishments. Creative solutionsThat's the case at the new Tap and Barrel location in Olympic Village, Brewhouse, where Steel Toad used to be. In comparison, if this was a full-service restaurant we would have about 200 staff under the same roof," said Tap and Barrel CEO Daniel Frankel. But he says his visits there revealed a skilled workforce with strong English language skills that is ready for work.

Source: CBC News July 21, 2018 16:52 UTC

