Vaibhav Gupta won the Indian Idol award in the 14th season of the popular singing reality show in India. According to, Vaibhav from Kanpur clinched the title and received a trophy, cash prize of Rs 25 lakh and a Maruti Suzuki Brezza. Indian Idol 14 winner Vaibhav Gupta has expressed his desire to sing for famous Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Vicky Kaushal and Ranveer Singh. Vaibhav said he wants to move to Bollywood and said, “Winning Indian Idol 14 feels surreal. Regarding Indian Idol Season 14, Sony Entertainment TV announced Vaibhav as the winner on Instagram and highlighted Vaibhav’s success in winning the Maruti Suzuki Brezza.
Source: Indian Express March 04, 2024 04:03 UTC