Urban Escape: Things To Do In Buenos Aires’ Ecological Reserve - News Summed Up

Urban Escape: Things To Do In Buenos Aires’ Ecological Reserve

Buenos Aires’ Ecological Reserve is an oasis of green for burnt-out city dwellers, located along the coast of the River Plate in Puerto Madero. Once a month, on the Friday closest to the full moon, a guided tour of the reserve takes place at night. Those interested in taking the nighttime tour need to reserve a spot by emailing visitasguiadas_recs@buenosaires.gob.ar on the Monday prior to the walk. Approximately 307 species of birds can be found in the reserve, and participants have the chance to observe them in their natural habitat. Reservations can be made by sending an email to the email address above–once confirmed, participants meet at the Viamonte entrance to the reserve at 9 AM.

Source: The Bubble August 23, 2016 18:33 UTC

