Apple is expected to upgrade its 13in and 15in MacBook Pro laptops, released last fall, by the end of 2017. The new processors are expected to be joined by more RAM, with up to 32GB for the 15in MacBook Pro, double the current maximum. The 13in MacBook Pro with Touch Bar technology starts at US$1,799 (RM7,999), rising to US$2,399 (RM10,665) for the 15in model. With top-spec components, the MacBook Pro can cost up to US$4,799 (RM21,333). The previous-gen 13in model is still available to buy for US$1,299 (RM5,775), with the older 15in model at US$1,999 (RM8,886).
Source: The Star January 19, 2017 01:02 UTC