Unknown suspect vandalise mosque in Karachi - News Summed Up

Unknown suspect vandalise mosque in Karachi

An unknown suspect broke into a Mosque in Karachi’s Steel Town area and tainted “holy books, religious symbols and names of revered personalities”, said police on Saturday. According to a local media outlet, an unknown suspect broke the door of the Hazrat Salman Farsi mosque, managed by the Shia community, early Friday morning. The issue was brought into police’s notice when the muezzin entered the mosque to give call for the Fajr prayer. “Terror charges were invoked because the police believe the suspect through these acts had tried to trigger violence,” police said, adding that nothing was reported stolen from the mosque. According to the primary investigation, police officials believe that only one person was involved in this unholy act and it has collected finger prints from the site.

Source: Pakistan Today April 20, 2019 19:30 UTC

