The University Grants Commission has asked all universities and colleges in the country to set up selfie points with images of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the background, the directive coming in the run-up to next summer’s general election. Several academics accused the regulator of drafting academic institutions into a “cult-building” exercise they should “have nothing to do with”. “Let us celebrate and disseminate the incredible strides made by our country by establishing a ‘Selfie Point’ within your institution. Selfie points have been set up at the Rozgar Melas where newly appointed government employees — or promoted in-service employees – have had to stand before Modi cut-outs and get photographed. A faculty member at Jawaharlal Nehru University said that selfie points that promote diverse ideas, encouraging debate and furthering public issues, are always welcome.
Source: The Telegraph December 02, 2023 19:38 UTC