Under-reported oceanic pollution, increased death toll: ACM - News Summed Up

Under-reported oceanic pollution, increased death toll: ACM

Sonar and other underwater noise pollution is one of the least reported pollution of our air, land, waterways and oceans. The increasingly relentless barrage of human-generated ocean noise pollution is changing the underwater acoustic landscape, harming and often killing marine species. This devastation is happening all over the planet, but there are many things you can do to reduce or remove those oceanic “killer waves” of noise pollution. e360.yale.edu/… (2021)Noise Pollution Impacting Marine Animals Worse Than Previously Thought In recent decades, the level of marine noise pollution has increased significantly due to the intensification of fishing, shipping, and infrastructure development. (emphasis mine)This noise pollution is so very different from noise pollution in the air.

Source: The Guardian October 01, 2023 23:44 UTC

