Logitech brand Ultimate Ears' Wonderboom portable speaker comes to India today at Rs 7,995. "The super-portable Wonderboom delivers uncompromising sound quality with clear, crisp, non-stop sound, as well as big, beautiful bass," claims the company. The new Wonderboom portable speaker is said to be designed for the music enthusiasts. Further commenting on the new Ultimate Ears' Wonderboom portable speaker Ashok Jangra, Logitech, Cluster Category Head - India & SWA says, "Wonderboom's basic proposition of being fuss free is designed for the user who is always-on-the-go and leads a very busy lifestyle. The UE button on the top of the speaker lets you play, pause, skip and double up with two Wonderboom speakers for double the fun".
Source: India Today June 20, 2017 12:22 UTC