I had been a prisoner in a Xinjiang ‘re-education’ camp for a year. Like more than one million other Uighurs, Gulbahar Haitiwaji (pictured) was imprisoned in a Chinese ‘re-education’ camp. She survived three years in a Beijing sterilisation campLike more than one million other Uighurs, I was imprisoned in a Chinese ‘re-education’ camp. Pictured: A suspected re-education camp in Artux City, XinjiangUnder the guise of a massive public health programme, provincial authorities began collecting DNA, fingerprints, retinal scans and blood types for millions of citizens. How I Survived A Chinese Re-Education Camp, by Gulbahar Haitiwaji and Rozenn Morgat, is published by Canbury Press on February 3 at £18.99.
Source: The Nation January 22, 2022 23:04 UTC