“The petitioners dedicate a considerable portion of their petition in attempting to demonstrate how hopelessly incompetent and inefficient the commission is. "The commission acquitted itself very well under very difficult circumstances and is to be commended and not vilified,” she says in her 43-page affidavit filed in court on Thursday night. TALLYINGShe says the commission oversaw the successful increase of polling stations from approximately 31,000 in 2013 to 40,883, which led to better access to polling stations by voters. “Counting, tallying and announcement of results in polling stations was therefore more efficient and accurate,” she says. VOTESShe claims that there are no significant numerical discrepancies between Form 34A and Form 34B as alluded to by Nasa’a Dr Nyangusi Oduwo in his supporting affidavit to the petition.
Source: Daily Nation August 25, 2017 18:00 UTC