US troops end hunt for brutal Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony - News Summed Up

US troops end hunt for brutal Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony

Kony's marauding insurgency claimed to be fighting to overthrow the Ugandan government and impose a regime based on the Bible's Ten Commandments. While battling the Ugandan government Kony and his dwindling band of bush fighters have earned a grim reputation for kidnapping and mutilation. In late 2011, following pressure from US campaigners, President Barack Obama deployed US special forces troops to help regional armies track down Kony. But popular interest quickly waned and despite the increased pressure, after more than 30 years in the bush Kony remains a master of evasion, ditching satellite telephones in favour of runners to communicate, and living off wild roots and animals. The US and Ugandan militaries claim the LRA is all but defeated and rendered irrelevant, yet Kony remains free, outsmarting and outlasting all who have sought him.

Source: Daily Nation June 07, 2020 06:22 UTC

