US passenger tried to open emergency exit mid-flight - News Summed Up

US passenger tried to open emergency exit mid-flight

US passenger tried to open emergency exit mid-flightTWITTER Passengers said the woman tried to force open the plane's emergency exit. A woman tried to open an emergency exit of a plane in mid-air, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. Witnesses said the woman "tore off" parts of the emergency exit door when she tried to force it open. Ready to get on home now, please... #hounews — Kristy Gillentine (@KrisGillentine) June 25, 2017Kirsty Gillentine wrote that an off-duty police officer had stopped an "erratic passenger from allegedly trying to open emergency exit." "Following an uneventful landing, local authorities met the aircraft at a gate and removed the disruptive passenger," the airline said.

Source: Stuff June 26, 2017 21:33 UTC

