US judge rules against butterfly sanctuary opposed to Trump’s wall - News Summed Up

US judge rules against butterfly sanctuary opposed to Trump’s wall

A US judge ruled Thursday against a butterfly sanctuary that had sued to keep President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall from cutting the refuge in two. For months the National Butterfly Center has been arguing that the wall would be devastating for those insects and other creatures living in this habitat in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. As many as 200 species of butterfly live in the sanctuary, as do bobcats, coyotes, skunk pigs, armadillos and Texas turtles. Financing for a wall going through the sanctuary was approved last year and is separate from the border appropriation fight that is currently roiling Washington. The North American Butterfly Association, which runs the refuge, sued the government on grounds that the sanctuary is private property.

Source: Egypt Independent February 16, 2019 08:26 UTC

