UK Parliament hit by cyberattack - News Summed Up

UK Parliament hit by cyberattack

Story highlights Remote access to email has been shut down for now, an official saidThis comes just weeks after a global ransomware attack hit UK hospitals(CNN) The UK Parliament's computer system has been hit by a cyberattack, a spokesperson for the Houses of Parliament said in a statement. "We have discovered unauthorised attempts to access accounts of parliamentary networks users and are investigating this ongoing incident, working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre," the spokesperson said Saturday. "Parliament has robust measures in place to protect all of our accounts and systems, and we are taking the necessary steps to protect and secure our network." As a precaution, Parliament temporarily restricted remote access to its network, the spokesperson said. Indeed, some members of Parliament said on social media that they were having trouble accessing their emails remotely.

Source: CNN June 24, 2017 17:05 UTC

