UAE violated arms embargo on Libya, provided Haftar's forces with air power, UN report says - News Summed Up

UAE violated arms embargo on Libya, provided Haftar's forces with air power, UN report says

The United Arab Emirates has violated the UN arms embargo on Libya by providing air power for the forces of Khalifa Haftar in eastern Libya, a UN investigative report revealed on Friday. According to the UN report, the air power assistance provided by the UAE to Haftar's forces made them gain more grounds and become in remarkable control of vast areas in eastern Libya. The report also discloses that the UAE had built up an air base at Al Khadim in eastern Libya as well as providing Haftar and his forces with fighter aircraft and military vehicles. The annual UN report, which is conducted by a panel of experts reporting on violations of UN sanctions across Libya, reads. Also, an AT-802i single engine plane which was seen based in eastern Libya.

Source: Libya Observer June 10, 2017 12:56 UTC

