Twitter on Thursday said it will roll out a new subscription product initially in Australia and Canada called Twitter Blue, which will let paying users edit their tweets before posting and change the colour theme of their app. Avid Twitter users, who for years have demanded an “edit” button to fix typos in their tweets, will now be able to set a timer of up to 30 seconds, giving them a window to click an “undo” button and edit tweets before they are posted. OrganiseThe new feature will also let users organise their saved tweets into bookmark folders, so they can easily find content later. Long threads of multiple tweets will be easier to read through a new “reader mode” on the service, Twitter said. Twitter Blue will cost 3.49 Canadian dollars (€2.38) or 4.49 Australian dollars (€2.83) per month in Canada and Australia respectively.
Source: The Irish Times June 03, 2021 14:15 UTC