Trump, Stahl spar over 'best economy ever' claim, with '60 Minutes' host saying 'that's not true' - News Summed Up

Trump, Stahl spar over 'best economy ever' claim, with '60 Minutes' host saying 'that's not true'

Stahl in the clip asks Trump what his biggest domestic priority is, and Trump responds that it is the economy, tipping off an exchange between the two. TRUMP THREATENS TO RELEASE LESLEY STAHL INTERVIEW AHEAD OF SUNDAY'S '60 MINUTES'"It was happening. LESLEY STAHL IN TRUMP INTERVIEW 'CAME ACROSS MORE LIKE AN OPINION JOURNALIST THAN A REAL REPORTER': MEADOWSStahl further pressed Trump on what exactly his biggest domestic priority was and Trump said that is "to get back to normal. The clip continues with Stahl asking Trump what the largest adversary for the United States is, and Trump responded that it is China, citing the coronavirus pandemic. During a clip released Thursday by "60 Minutes," Biden does not specifically take a position on whether he would pack the Supreme Court, but called the issue a "live ball."

Source: Fox News October 22, 2020 12:45 UTC

