For the powerful congressional Republicans who will actually determine the size of the defense budget, it’s nowhere near enough. Legal services in unprecedented danger under Trump's budget proposal Read moreOne of the only departments to escape cuts in Trump’s budget proposal, submitted formally to Congress on Thursday, the defense department has long been telegraphed by Trump as a recipient of a windfall. Trump’s military budget proposal is well above the “sequestration” caps imposed under a much-lamented 2011 agreement between Barack Obama and the Republican Congress, but it came immediately under attack on Capitol Hill from defense hawks, not defense doves. Their early and vocal opposition to Trump’s proposal signals that it is unlikely to be adopted by Congress in its current form. Antonio Guterres, the secretary-general of the UN, responded to Trump’s budget proposal by saying “more than military spending” was needed to combat terrorism.
Source: The Guardian March 16, 2017 16:36 UTC