Tourists alter python sun-basking patterns - News Summed Up

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Tourists alter python sun-basking patterns

more-inIt is something they really need to do, but these rock pythons aren't soaking up the sun like they should. Scientists find that tourists in Rajasthan are venturing close to these cold-blooded reptiles and altering their sun-basking behaviour by forcing them to retreat to their burrows often. This could affect their physiology and lower breeding rates in a region home to the highest number of rock pythons in India. Camera trapsTo monitor the snakes’ basking patterns, the scientists installed camera traps at six burrows from October 2015 to May 2016. In disturbed burrows, however, pythons retreated just after noon and spent only around 36 minutes basking.

Source: The Hindu February 03, 2018 12:47 UTC

