Five states -- Gujarat, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Uttarakhand and Chattisgarh – signed 86 MoUs worth close to Rs.15,000 crore during the recently concluded Incredible India Investors’ Summit. Gujarat leads the tally with signed pacts worth nearly Rs.9,000 crore, followed by Karnataka (Rs.2,600 crore), Rajasthan (Rs.1,000 crore), Uttarakhand (Rs.500 crore) and Chhattisgarh (Rs.12 crore), according to an official statement. The summit was organised by the Ministry of Tourism in partnership with industry body CII and the Tourism Finance Corporation of India. The ministry will be setting up an investor facilitation desk to handhold investors and facilitate projects, Mr. Zutshi said. For the January-June period of 2016, 41.86 lakh visited India registering a growth of 8.9 per cent compared with the same period the previous year.
Source: The Hindu September 25, 2016 16:30 UTC