Toronto Symphony Orchestra lifts war into art with Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation: review - News Summed Up

Toronto Symphony Orchestra lifts war into art with Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation: review

Art loves conflict and resolution, while the real world muddles along in the sludgy mass between the two. But art, carefully applied and administered as it was by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra on Thursday night, can lift that sludgy mass up and turn it into something almost as beautiful as neat resolution. The attempt at resolution is the orchestra’s Remembrance Day program at Roy Thomson Hall, dominated by the Toronto premiere of Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation. Steele travelled to the Afghanistan War in 2008 as one of Canada’s official war artists. Probably the most famous example is Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, written for the 1962 re-dedication of Coventry Cathedral in England, which had been levelled by German bombs during the Second World War.

Source: thestar November 10, 2017 20:37 UTC

