Tom Hanks' son, Chet Hanks, recently admitted to abusing drugs in the past. During his appearance on the latest episode of the Raw Talk podcast, the 33-year-old actor recalled doing so much cocaine that even “cokeheads” told him to “chill.” Chet Hanks recalled his past drug abuse in a recent episode of the Raw Talk podcast(Chet Hanks/ Instagram)Chet Hanks admits to past drug abuseThe Greyhound actor explained that although he no longer does drugs, he struggled with cocaine in the past. “The drug I had the most problem with was just f**king coke, dude,” the Empire star told podcaster Bradley Martyn. Chet revealed that he would often come across fellow drug users, calling them “known cokeheads” in the club bathrooms. “A couple months ago, I was selling coke, doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged.
Source: The Star July 02, 2024 16:17 UTC