Tina and John Are in Love! Pixey and Razzle—Not So Much - News Summed Up

Tina and John Are in Love! Pixey and Razzle—Not So Much

Her dog Lola, a bulldog-pug mix, tended to be aggressive toward other dogs, while Mr. McLeish’s dog Cato, a German shorthaired pointer, always wanted to play. Ms. Brazeau, 33 years old, and Lola, 7, moved in with Mr. McLeish, 34, and Cato, 9, last year. Ms. Brazeau also brought two house cats. After a few months of daily drills, Ms. Brazeau says the dogs settled into a fragile truce. She and Mr. McLeish plan to get married in October.

Source: Wall Street Journal September 28, 2017 14:37 UTC

